Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Awakening

Dear Diary,
I have to vent. It's been a total of four days and I'm becoming distraught. Today The Beast took me out again, flaunting me as though I'm some sort of toy. She actually used me to frighten a child half to death!

Can you imagine?!? Me? Frightening a child?

I'm not sure if that horrible woman even realised what she was doing. She has been carrying me around in her handbag like I'm some sort of trophy; making note of the odd looks and comments from all sorts of ladies and gentlemen.

In private she cackles about the whole unsavory event. YES! Cackles! And you know I'm not prone to exaggeration.

Today this darling young chap, sitting at a table by himself whilst his mum fetched lunch asked The Beast if she had a person in her handbag. She smiled at the boy, claims she was trying to calm him she does. Even had the gall to call her own smile "sweet", then says to the boy,

"Oh no, honey. It's just an arm."

Then she pulls me out of her handbag like a fat sausage! That poor boy, who couldn't have been a day over a tender five years, bursts into tears.

I don't blame him one bit, not one bit. Surely I was a terrible sight, being in my current condition.

When I was first disconnected from the body just this past Saturday I thought it was going to be a good thing; an awakening of sorts, like that delightful Chopin novel I read every summer. However, I now have an independant conscience yet no way to express it.

I am literally trapped. At least when I was part of the whole doll little ones would make us move and give a voice to our thoughts.

Now, I'm just a disembodied arm.

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